Friday 25 April 2014

Maxime Quoilin example

This is my image of Lina inspired by Maxime Quoilin. I really liked the editing process for this image as it was completely new. Both the portrait and the silhouette were desaturated in photoshop to give the black and white look which Maxime Quoilin uses a lot. I also had to increase the contrast on the silhouette to make sure it was clear. From my images I chose one where the facial expression was serious, almost sad - which works well for this type of image I think. I then used the blending mode 'screen' to back the black transparent and therefore it acted like a window through to the portrait below. I moved the image so the eyes lined up and also her scarf. I also cropped the image according to the rule of thirds by putting the eye in the upper left hand corner on the intercept which draws you to it. I also removed the logo from her jumper using the stamp tool on photoshop because I think it was distracting and detracted from the image. The final thing I added was the bokeh which is a style trait that Maxime Quoilin often uses. I am very happy with how this image turned out and I want to try more like this. 

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