Monday 10 March 2014

Cris Wicks example

This is my finished image inspired by Cris Wicks. This was made using a printed out portrait of part of my face and layering tracing paper over the top. I then chose to use a theme of metaphors, most of which I found from songs and books. I wrote the words and phrases in black pen over the tracing paper, curving them to follow shapes like the eye and nose. I also tried to use relevant quotes like 'sleep and I remained strangers' under the eye where my lack of sleep shows and 'twin tears tracked tragic skin' on the cheek where tears would fall. The words layer was then scanned in and made into a virtual layer on photoshop where the words were selected and then cut from the black background. This acted like a window through the black layer to the portrait. I like the finished affect of this image and especially like the flow of the words around the face. 

quotes from
Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell (book)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathon Saffron Soer (book)
Looking For Alaska - John Green (book)
Paper Towns - John Green (book)
The Fault in Our Stars - John Green (book)
The A Team - Ed Sheeran (song)
Bullet - Hollywood Undead (song)
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes (song)
Holding On - Alex Day (song)
Small Hands - Keaton Henson (song)
Wish For Is You - Alex Day (song)

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